
Showing posts from December, 2015


Look through the past And maybe we can forecast The unpredictable days of the future, Tyrants past and decades of anger later We must decide Young boy..young blood I admire your courage with a smirk To the last drop of your blood Is a sorrow unbearable after the first draw The elders have refused to take away the blinds Or tie us back with the rope that binds They inherited lands green and fields white We received lands red and rivers black Old man...old fool You poisoned with your words And sent souls to graves with your deeds, I was told you can see what I can't, even on a palm Lost sight or deliberately ignoring the fight? You have created an Abaddon From greed, corruption and injustice Who knows not the creator or the subjects "Young people's energy and  wisdom of the elders" Seems not enough to stir a nation against these waves Foundations have to replaced. Love and unity have to be embedded in actions Resp...