New Year Resolutions

Hello, Welcome to the new year, welcome to 2020. Like all new years before this, you may or may not have a new year’s resolution. If you did have a resolution for the year 2019, did you achieve the things you set down to? If you did achieve them, congratulations!!! If like me you didn’t achieve all that you set out to, please gather here for a group hug. If you didn’t achieve any goal at all...breathe. I do know that life happens, challenges occur, curve balls and down times are a thing. If you did experience any life changing setback in 2019, please share with us on how you were able to bounce back. 2019 was a significant year for me, moving away from a 9-5, trying new paths, and being flat out broke.To be very honest, my biggest support came from family. Understanding that I was at this difficult place, knowing that I was trying to find my place, not talking me down or placing a pressure to achieve. I was already under pressure from the goals t...