Hear Me Out: Olivia

Hello! It’s been a while, forgive me. A lot has happened and I cannot wait to share it with you. So, for those who know me, you would and should know that I am a feminist. And just so we’re on the same page, Feminist: A person who supports the belief that women should have the same opportunities and rights as men. Any idea different from this is not what feminism is about. Okay. It’s been two months at home now because of the Corona Virus, I hope you’re social distancing, washing your hands and being cautious. (Really, I hope you are). In this lockdown, a lot of things have happened. I have gone through a lot of phases and observed a lot of things, and I am going to talk about one of those observations. My Cousin, her children and I live together during this period. If you follow me you must have seen them one way or another. Lol. What I observed put questions on stereotypes for me. Lmao. You know that crap about women being natural caregivers, more attentive, and all...