Dear Father
Looking back, I can only see the little child who sought and craved your attention. Waiting by the door wondering when you'll be back, until she fell asleep. Shopping list stayed the same for years, no need for a new one Dad barely glanced at the last one. Sitting by mother's phone, waiting to hear your voice. To reply "yes daddy!" to every question and everything you'd say. Waiting to leave mother's room with a wide grin, no one could dampen. None of my letters were delivered. Mother herself could not believe what she read. We laugh over it now. For that little girl who was dying, To let her father know her thoughts...shall we laugh again? But then, Mother was always available, telling me not to worry You would come, she told me He missed the flight this time, she said He's tied at work, I heard her say He has a lot of responsibilities, come to me and don't bother him I knew she would not understand I mean, s...